DAMU utilizes the relevant output products including weather data from conventional/ automatic weather station (AWS) provided by IMD and ICAR to generate specific advisories for agricultural management for the respective districts of Agro-climatic zones identified under the area of its jurisdiction and disseminate the same to the farming community.
Under the Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa, the IMD proposes to establish District AgroMet Units (DAMU) in 530 districts, in addition to already operating 130 AMFUs, in order to meet the said expansion. Among other responsibilities, DAMU will receive weather forecast from IMD to prepare and disseminate sub-district (taluk) level agromet advisory bulletins.
• Block level weather forecast will be provided on every Tuesday and Friday through E-mail, Whatsapp, mKisan portal, Newspaper, Radio, Television, etc.
• Preparation and dissemination of district/block level Agromet advisory bulletins specific to crops, horticulture, livestock, poultry, fisheries etc.
• Forewarning on extreme weather events like lighting, thunderstorm, very heavy rainfall, flood, hail, fog, frost, cyclone etc.
• Conducting Farmer Awareness Programmes (FAP) on weather and climate awareness.
Sl. No. | Staff details |
1. | Name: Rajath H. P Designation: SMS (Agro-Meteorology) Contact No. : 7829851534 E-mail: rajathkempa@gmail.com |
2. | Name: Adarsh N Designation: Agromet Observer Contact No. : 9483638297 E-mail: nadarsh0406@gmail.com |
• Meghdoot:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aas.meghdoot
• Damini Lightning Alert:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lightening.live.damini
• Weather information Link:https://mausam.imd.gov.in/