BRIDC, ICAR KVK, Chamarajanagara was established in 25.05.2010 with the support of KSBDB, Bengaluru with the main objective is creating awareness and promoting use of bio-diesel every year BRIDC, Chamarajanagara, conducts awareness programmes to create awareness about bio-fuel and its uses and mainly concentrates on Bio-diesel. Our unit purchases seeds (Pongamia and neem seeds) directly from farmers. Annually almost 1000 litres of diesel is sold, 2 – 3 t of pongamia cake, 5 – 6 t of neem cakes were sold, around 400 litres of neem oil has been sold. Farmers use pongamia and neem cake in agriculture and horticulture.
Every year we conduct 40 – 45 awareness and training programme, almost 930 farmers are getting awareness and try to use the bio-diesel for farm vehicles like Tractors and tillers etc., On the occasion of environmental day, we conduct programmes in schools and colleges and distributes bio-fuel plants (Pongamia, Jatropa, Neem etc.,).
Bio-fuel day was celebrated on every 10th of August, during this time we plant fuel plants and distributes among the participants.
Bio-diesel is the future fuel and eco-friendly. So we need to use it more and more and promote the use of it.